published on March 19, 2018

Sparks at Sport dans la Ville !

During 5 days, 10 young people from Sport dans la Ville participated in a training with the Etincelle network, to take stock of their professional project and find their way back to school.

The Sparkle Network

For 8 years now, the Etincelle Network has been transforming renunciation into motivation. The aim of the Etincelle training is to help young people who have left the school system to become "entrepreneurs of their lives" by putting them in the shoes of a professional.
In March, 10 young people from the association, Brian, Lydia, Younes, Roumaissa, Mehdi, Fatma, Allan, Alexia, Hachim, Aichat and Imrane, who have dropped out of the school system, began the Etincelle training course on "raising awareness of professional initiative".

Through different workshops, the young people first of all aimed to get toknow themselves. During 5 days, the young Etincelles were able to reveal their passions and value their interests. The objective: to develop leads for their future professional projects. They were able to network by meeting entrepreneurs from different sectors. They were able to understand how working in a company works. Finally, they developed many human skills, such as teamwork and perseverance.

5 days of training for Sparks

The Étincelle training is organised around two main actions. Firstly, the digital aspect. The young people were introduced to digital technology and they also discovered the jobs in this sector.
Then, the training proposed a second axis, called "horizons principles". The young sparks were made aware of many principles: gender equality, equal opportunities, sustainable development, the fight against discrimination, self-confidence, etc.
The 10 young people were able to have a concrete experience of immersion in a company thanks to Groupama Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, which accommodated the young people for the duration of the training.

The program: 

  • Visit of the Groupama company and discovery of the different business lines
  • Brainstorming and team-building workshop
  • Testimonial - Exchange - Networking: 10 entrepreneurs met 10 young sparks to talk about their career paths, their experience, discover the talents of young people and build a moment of networking.
  • Resume workshop and job interview simulation
    Franprix store view
  • Presentation of the Digital Plumbers School and a discovery of the optical fiber industry.

JDLV Spark GridJDLV Spark Grid

JDLV Spark GridJDLV Spark Grid

Spark Network Certification

Finally, on Thursday 8th March, the Sparks met up again in Groupama's auditorium. In front of a jury, made up of entrepreneurs and Sport dans la Ville Professionnal Development Coaches, they were able to take stock of their skills. For a few minutes, the youngsters all took to the stage to introduce themselves. Based on their passions and talents, they presented their future professional project. The 10 young people were able to face a jury and to talk about their professional projects.

Finally, on March 15, Les Étincelles all met to take stock of this wonderful experience. Now, the 10 youngsters will have to take their destiny into their own hands. During the training, they discussed their action plans. CVs, letters of motivation, looking for school, looking for work experience... All of them are more motivated than ever!

JDLV Spark GridJDLV Spark Grid

JDLV Spark GridJDLV Spark Grid

Many thanks to the Réseau Etincelle, to Groupama Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, which welcomed the youngsters, and to the FDJ Foundation, which is co-financing this great experience.

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