published on June 19, 2015

Sport dans la Ville receives the visit of the Ambassador of the United States of America on the sports center of Sarcelles

On June 17, Sport dans la Ville had the great pleasure of welcoming Mrs Jane Hartley, Ambassador of the United States in France, to Sarcelles in its "But-en-Or" sports center. A meeting time was also organized with 30 young people from Sarcelles participating in the Association's Job dans la Ville program.

- Version française follows -

We were particularly touched by this visit and by the Ambassador's availability to all the young people at Sport dans la Ville. This meeting was organized within the framework of the partnerships that Sport dans la Ville has been developing for several years with twin associations in the United States, and American companies that support the development of our actions. This visit took place on the Campus in the presence of Mrs Sylvie Danielo-Feucher, Prefect Delegate for Equal Opportunities of the Val d'Oise, and Mr Mohamed Ali-Abchiche, Deputy Mayor of the City of Sarcelles.

We would like to thank the Ambassador and the Embassy team for organizing this particularly exciting meeting time.


United States Ambassador Jane Hartley Visits Sport dans la Ville

IMG_7520On June 17, Sport dans la Ville welcomed United States Ambassador Jane Hartley for a visit to our "But en Or" soccer center and "Job dans la Ville" professional training program in Sarcelles. Ambassador Hartley has been a tireless champion for inner-city kids in New York so it was a special honor to share our programs helping kids here in Ile-de-France.
First stop, the soccer pitch, where Ambassador Hartley observed our soccer program in action and was treated to a Hip-Hop performance by our youngest dance stars.

Next was an energetic exchange with young participants of "Job dans a Ville" and a screening of our short film, "Never Forget," (link) that showcases Sport dans la Ville's dynamic relationship with the United States. A moving moment for all!
Ambassador Jane Hartley spoke passionately about her commitment to "sports diplomacy" and her belief that through sports and training - and with vital participation from corporate and philanthropic partners - young people truly can realize their dreams.


We were also pleased to welcome local officials, Madame Sylvie Danielo-Feucher, Préfète délégué a l'égalité des chances du Val d'Oise, and Monsieur Mohamed Ali-Abchiche, Maire Adjoint, Jeunesse, Ville de Sarcelles, whose shared commitment to increasing opportunities for young people is critical to our success.

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On behalf of our youth, we offer sincere gratitude to Ambassador Hartley and look forward to working with her to achieve even more for the young people of Sport dans la Ville!


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