published February 2, 2017

Top start for the Promotion Job dans la Ville 2017

Great start to the season for the Job dans la Ville program, which this year organised two launch ceremonies in Paris and Lyon for the new 2017 promotion!

On Wednesday, January 11th, 200 young people from Rhône-Alpes met on theemlyon business school campus for an evening full of discoveries, guided by their mentors and program partners. The evening was marked by meetings between the young people and the Honorary Mentors of a class, Vianney Mulliez, President of the Auchan group. Brilliantly animated by Meriem and Yanis, the ceremony allowed many young people to discover the different actions proposed by Job dans la Ville in terms of professional integration (sponsorship, internship in England, company visits, etc.).

Exchange time with Vianney Mulliez - Yanis and Meriem, masters of ceremonies 

In Paris, 90 young people from Ile-de-France were welcomed by Michel Combes, Honorary Patron of the graduating class and Chairman of SFR, on the SFR Campus. It was a high point for this new class, which was able to benefit from the advice of its mentor:

You are the future: digital, environment, societies... our world is changing. My advice: become an actor of this change, mobilize for the causes that matter to you, defend your values. Take your destiny into your own hands, because no one will do it for you.
Michel Combes, Chairman of SFR

Maryse Ewanjé-Epée also spoke about her journey as an Olympic athlete and about Jesse Owens, who inspired her. The ceremonies then continued with a cocktail reception that allowed the young people to find their mentor and to create a first contact for the new pairs.

Click to relive in image the ceremonies: at Lyon or to Paris

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Maryse Ewanjé-Epée and Michel Combes 

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